Maxima Associates

Maxima Associates

What we do....and how we help you


Helping you to improve your business means that we need to have a more than 'one size fits all' attitude.

We take our clients through simple, planned program's , that suit the way you work, with as much speed as you are comfortable with.

Our methods and knowledge are gleaned from best practice .

We improve all functions of your existing business, bring new ways to leverage the existing operation, turnover and profit and find ways to maximise what you are capable of without changing what you do.... and we are very mindful of the cost to you. 

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Third Sector

The Public Sector is under constant pressure to be more commercial.

We can bring entrepreneurial and wider thinking, to your senior teams.

We bring understanding of new sectors and cultural norms to enable successful movement, leading to change.

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Consulting Practices

As with SMEs we work to improve everything about your business.

Helping you to improve your business means that we need to have a more than one size fits all attitude.

Taking a bespoke approach we take our clients through simple, planned programs , that suit the way you work, with as much speed as you are comfortable with.

As Chartered Management  Consultants and business owners we bring a special understanding of consulting issues.

We improve all functions of your existing practice , bring new ways to leverage the existing operation, turnover and profit and find ways to maximise what you are capable of without changing what you do....and we are very mindful of the cost to you. 

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Training - Consulting

The profession of consulting has more awards and accreditations than is generally understood.

Our mission is to help all  consultants to be the most ethical, and agile they can be and to receive respect and acknowledgement from the market that other professions have enjoyed. 

Consultants need  a tool box of business best  business practice as well as technical skills and Know How. .

We are accredited to mentor and train in the following :

Chartered Management Consultant ChMC

ISO 20700 in Management Consulting.


Training - Core Business

Finance for Non Financial Managers


Building Business Plans


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